SNS IT Solution Provider that has been operating in Bangladesh market for over 18 years with a very high level of success, achieved through an uncompromised service quality and customer satisfaction. SNS’s highly trained professionals can ensure a standard of service that remains unmatched by any other player in the market.
Our specialty will be considered on the Internet & Intranet (LAN / MAN / WAN) to provide wide area of database management, web based office management, local & remote messaging and conferencing and many new features. We ar BTRC Approved ISP.
The speed of data, as it travels from the Internet to your computer, is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Different activities require different speeds.
We guarantee high-quality customer support service with high-speed satellite connection all over the Country. Enjoy fun family nights and loud friends parties at your place! Adwitiya Cable provides excellent entertainment.
Hatirpul, Central Road. VuterGali, North Road, Circular Road, Green Square.
Paribagh, Shabagh, Bangla Motor. Planes Tower, Kazi Nogrul Islam Avenue.
Bata Signal, Katabon, Science Laboratory.
Green road, Crisent Road up to Kathalbaghan.
Kolabagan, 1st, 2nd len, Bosiruddin road up to Mirpur Road.
Dhanmondi Road 1-12A.
Officer’s Coater, Easkaton garden.